My parents and brother came for my birthday! They spent the night and we all went to the Salt Lick for dinner. You have to WAIT forever, but everyone had a blast! My family made my 30
th the most special birthday EVER! The next day, mom and I went shopping ALONE in Austin while the guys watched the girls. The whole weekend was PERFECT! These pictures are out of order, but I don't have time to rearrange them!

I wonder who ate all this food?


She was a perfect angel that night!

The girls wanted to wear dresses for the party! So

My sweet Daddy, who did not feel that great, but is the strongest man I know! He is so precious!

Mom and Dad!

Sister begged to take a birthday picture with me....isn't she growing up! I love her!

My sweet Momma! She bought me a ton of clothes and books. She brought me flowers that she grew in her yard. She really knows how to make a person feel really special! I love her more and more everyday!

Randy came to see me! And he bought me the CUTEST running outfit! He is the BEST!

Look at my skinny husband who has lost over 40 pounds! I am PROUD!!!
What a great birthday! What a great family! Speaking of great, you make 30 look great!!!
Hope you guys are doing great!!!!
You are so funny, Jordan!
What a cute blog! I saw you on The Homeschool Lounge -Catherine Fam Blog Link-
Here is our HS blog link.
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