Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Our Wednesday

Our Wednesday started off like this. I think I already posted this picture today. I just am in awe of these two. Everything about them. Mike and I enjoy parenthood to the max. We wake up and then take a million pictures of Baby Jake-Michael smiling and talking. 
Then my older girls grab my phone and start with the selfies. :) 
Ryen is on day 3 of braces. Ha! Not much food and lots of drama. Seriously, she grew up in an hour and a half while they put on her braces. She did cook us dinner and ate a bite. 
The house was being cleaned and the older girls were doing school at Allie's house. So, I took the Littles and met Mom for lunch. Two kids =super easy and cheap. 😜 

Mom was showing me her necklace that she made to sell, but decided to keep. She loved it. :) Doesn't she look happy?
After lunch, we enjoyed the warm sun at Mimi's house waiting for the older girls to finish school. Sent Daddy pictures of our happiness. 
Then we went to ODA (theater class). Mimi Annelisa got her birthday love from her new buddy. :) 

On our way back home we ran into Cheryl. She had a gift for Amaris from Corrie in Ecuador. Sister loved her new shirt, purse, and bows. Sweet friends, countries apart. :) 
Came home and met Grammy at the house. She was making Valentine cards for the kiddos. Jake-Michael loves this spot. He stops crying right away every time she holds him here. Sweet! 
While Ryen cooked and I finished school with Camille, Amaris had my phone and took evening photos and selfies. Ha! 
Livvy watching her favorite show of Mickey Mouse before dinner and church. 
Won't be long until bedtime. :) Wednesday is our busiest day of the week. Looking forward to tomorrow. :) 

After losing Daddy, I have learned to cherish every single moment. Take lots of pictures, cherish relationships, write things down, smile, play, and love. You never will regret it.... Ever! :) 

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