Closing this blog down. Moving to a new site that works better for me.
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Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
First day back to school
Today was our first day back at the books. We had a nice break. I probably could have used another couple of weeks off to finish a few chores, but we need a routine and a schedule back into our lives.
We are trying a few new things this year. Right off the the bat, I am happy that I have actual brain cells to be able to think clearly about what needs to be done and how our day should flow. Even the girls were laughing, someone asked if they are allowed to do school on their beds and they replied that they are allowed when Momma is pregnant and tired. Ha! Seriously! I had them back at a table and chair today with a tight routine.
We are doing menu planning (I have always done one) but this yea the older girls are taking over. We will rotate jobs. One has breakfast duty, one had lunch duty, and the other one has snack, dishes, and dessert duty. This morning, Amaris made scrambled eggs and bacon with hot tea. They know how to cook, but I am leaving them with the whole responsibility. I did check in several times and pointed them in the right direction, but it was super cute when she came to me and said "Momma, my eggs are too brown". She knows how I like my eggs. Too some these were just slightly brown, but WAY too brown for me. :) I told the my that they are learning and we would all eat them. Everyone did. :)
Ryen did okay on the dishes. She got the snacks organized and that worked perfect, but we need a little more work on the dishes part. I will work on a fun plan for that. She did most of it, but I am looking for the servant's heart. We are almost there. :) I understand though, I never enjoyed the dishes part... Gosh, I still don't! :)
But, she can babysit and put Jake-Michael to sleep every single time! He would not let go of her today. She loved it.
They have a sweet bond!!
I had two sweet moments today. The first one is life changing.
In our Bible time, we were talking about what is in Heaven. Liv listened to every word I said and I could tell she was ready for me to ask her if she wanted to know Jesus and have Him become the Lord of her little life. When I asked her she said "Yes, Momma, I have never done that before." Right away she asked Jesus into her heart and it was the most precious prayer ever. Her big sisters had the biggest smiles on their face as she prayed. I absolutely love it that I have been able to lead my children to Christ. My Daddy rejoiced in Heaven today!
The other thing that blessed my life was during reading time with Camille. Reading is a challenge for her. She is doing an amazing job, but she is a lot like I was as a child. There are so many better things we could be doing than reading a dumb story..... That is what we both thought.
She presses though and gets her attitude right and the she gets every word correct and finishes quickly. Well, after she went through the process she put her arm around my shoulder and just kept it there. We named her right... Camille Love.
Jake-Michael played all day on the floor exploring. He is such a joy and I know that he will be just fine being under our feet this school year. Several times today I just had to blink to make sure he was real... This is my life.... Homeschooling with all my babies. I dreamed about all my babies when I was a tiny girl. So strange to be living it! I cherish the moments!
These moments make me so happy to be a homeschool Momma. I soak up every day and every memory we create. It reminds me so much of growing up around my parents and homeschooling. Even though I started out older, I ended up LOVING the days we had at home. I leaned to cook, to read, to be creative, to spend time with my parents doing things they loved (like antiquing), to run a seasonal business with my grandparents. I learned to love God and honor Him and to put Him first. And now, I look at my Mom. She is the only one still alive. I think of ways that I can honor her, love her, cherish her, and spend time with her. You want to know why I feel so strongly about that? Not only because she is a widow and that is the only way they should be treated, but because this is what she did for me. She put me (and my brother) first, she looked for ways for us to grow, she developed patterns that shaped our worldview, she taught us to honor them and others, and above all she taught us to honor God first. She should be praised! The Word says that children will rise up and call their Prov. 31 Mom BLESSED! I want to be like my mom. She is my example.
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
This little guy...
...has changed my life! I was pretty confident in Mothering with little girls. Not saying I know it all or anything like that. Just felt like I could say "Thanks God for all the girls and I was born to be a girl mom, I've got this!"
Then, when I found out I was pregnant, I knew it was a boy. Then came the shock of the blood test confirming it was a BOY. God is so funny. Well, I can honestly say that the way I think has changed greatly after having a boy.
#1 I cherish his Dad more than ever before. When I look at him I see the love of my life. His Daddy is my everything. Of course, we bump heads sometimes. Gosh, we are both headstrong!
#2 I have felt a different responsibly of raising a man. Like, knowing that someday he will lead a family, have to have a career, and spiritually take the lead for himself and others. Yeah, that has changed my mothering.
#3 I am learning to do things differently in playtime. I was a Tom Boy growing up. But now, I like to wear shoes and makeup. Ha! I still love to camp, get dirty at the beach, and sweat mowing the yard. But, if I had the choice right now I would find a quiet, cool place to drink some hot tea and read a book. Yes! However, I am learning to make sounds with my mouth. Be a little more bold in throwing the ball. I know he is still little, but he already loves this stuff. I even encouraged the girls that we HAD to go the baseball game, and enjoy it.... For HIM.
#4 He has changed me in the way of a different kind of love. Not sure if this makes sense, but it is all new to me. First born son is neat! I cherish and treasure every breath my girls breathe. They are my world! But this has been fun with a little guy in the house.
#5 He has changed my prayer life. I get up earlier these days asking God for new direction on Mothering. Walking into the unknown, but with the help of the Holy Spirit I know that I can do all things.
#6 He totally changed my shape in body frame. Seriously, I have new personal health goals to reach now. He was worth it, but wow!!!
Having Jake-Michael was a good thing. He put me closer to God in new ways. Looking forward to every day with him. <3
Sunday, August 2, 2015
What would Daddy do....
“WHAT LEADS to strife (discord and feuds) and how do conflicts (quarrels and fightings) originate among you? Do they not arise from your sensual desires that are ever warring in your bodily members? You are jealous and covet [what others have] and your desires go unfulfilled; [so] you become murderers. [To hate is to murder as far as your hearts are concerned.] You burn with envy and anger and are not able to obtain [the gratification, the contentment, and the happiness that you seek], so you fight and war. You do not have, because you do not ask. [I John 3:15.] [Or] you do ask [God for them] and yet fail to receive, because you ask with wrong purpose and evil, selfish motives. Your intention is [when you get what you desire] to spend it in sensual pleasures.”
James 4:1-3 AMP
There are days that I remind myself of how my Daddy dealt with life. He was not perfect, but only a few times in life did I really see something bother him.
He had attacks, some even greater than all of ours combined. However, he knew how to handle them when they would rear their ugly head. He would deal with it in the natural and then quickly deal with his heart.
Also, he understood boundaries. And he watched his mouth. He used to say, "Oh, just let them roll off of you like a water on a duck."
Recently, one of my daughters saw a girl from her class that she has known for several years. She ran up to her and gave her a big hug and jumped up and down and said "so good to see you!" The girl had a sour look on her face and stood there like a light pole. Then proceeded to smile with a half-fake grin. It broke my heart!!!
My daughter turned around and said to me how cold she was to her. I saw it and I told her to never change who she is and guard her heart.
Easier said than done, especially when you are a preteen. I hated to tell her the truth!
The truth is ..... It will happen again and again all throughout the rest of life. It's a bummer that people can be so rude and selfish. It's crazy that people don't really understand that a simple hug, a simple sweet word back in response, or even a real smile makes a person feel valuable.
You don't really have to enjoy that person to be kind, but either way your heart does shine through.
People know when they are not liked. People know when they ARE liked. Simple as that.
So, what do we do when it happens again.... And again ... And again. Well, here is what we are doing:
#1 Quickly search our own hearts. Ask the questions to yourself. Did I do something wrong? If Holy Spirit says yes, then repent and ask for forgiveness. If not, still ask Holy Spirit to help guide your heart.
#2 Don't dwell on the facts of how that person hurt you. Seriously, what they did should roll off your back and out of your mind. Honestly, their hang-ups should not become yours.
#3 Don't change your ways of being kind and loving. If you are loving anyone, still be you. In other words, if you are a person who LOVES to hug, then hug. If you are a "jump up and down" kind of person when you see a person you know.... DO IT! Why should you not do that just because the other person is embarrassed by it?? Be you!!!!
#4 Recognize that sometimes you do have to set up boundaries. You can still be around people that are rude to you, but your time may be cut short to protect your heart. It's okay. It's not being unloving or unkind to have boundaries, as long as you still walk in love, have no ill-feelings in your heart, and you have rolled all your past cares on HIM. Having boundaries just means that you are choosing to be kind and loving when surrounded with an unkind person, but you are choosing to fill your day with those that lift you up, encourage you to be a better person, and don't have jealously issues. Let's say you are in class with that person and you have to do a project with them. Be you, be kind, be loving with your words and then when the class is over, run like the wind to hang with your true friends. Don't stand around there and get beat up again and again. Fill your day with those who treasure you.
#5 Ask God for treasure friends. Actually, mine are called "Grand Friends". God will give you friends that will call you, text you, visit you, love you with out any issues of status. Real friends, who want nothing more than to spend time with you, and when they do the fruit of your relationship proves it. In other words, they know you and treasure your gifts. They are not always trying to "one up" on you. The are real gifts from God.
#6 Learn from these situations on how to be a real friend. Someday you will get married and have children of your own. Relationships will get more complicated. Your goal in life is to be the best daughter, best wife, best mom, best daughter-in-law, and best friend. If you can do that well, everyone will know. Mark my words, when you do this job well there will be those that don't and they will be jealous. You will have to repeat the process of searching your heart again. Practice now, baby girl. If you do YOU will be just fine down the road. Not only will your true relationships love you back, you will be planting good seeds in return for your life.
#7 Don't forget to make it a priority to think of others. Sometimes it is a sacrifice, but it is worth it in the end. Sometimes you have to lay down your feelings, your thoughts, your ways to just love someone. It is one of the hardest things for a women to do. Actually, there are seasons of it being easy. Like when you fall in love with your future husband, or your brand newborn baby. Then there are times when it is harder to love. Like the unloveable, snotty teenager that is all about looking perfect. Ask Holy Spirit to help you in the difficult times. He will help you be YOU, and still love at the same time.
The book of James has many nuggets to help us along these lines.
I changed the "brethren" to sister. :)
“Understand [this], my beloved sister. Let every girl be quick to hear [a ready listener], slow to speak, slow to take offense and to get angry. For woman's anger does not promote the righteousness God [wishes and requires].”
James 1:19-20 AMP
Want some books to help you learn how to be a GODLY friend?
Check out the books that has written. You WON'T be sorry!!
GO be a SWEET Friend TODAY!!
Monday, July 27, 2015
Day 8, 9, & 10 travel days
Not sure if anyone read our blog. Sorry if you did and it was boring, but my kids will love to read it later in years. (Leave us a comment if you did!) So thankful that we were able to rest our brains from work, chores at home, and school. It took several days to let it go, but we did. Sometimes you just need to LET it GO! Ha! Our week starts tomorrow with early morning meetings and chores of home life.... And we are ready, right after we get a good nights sleep. Baby did so well on the road. Only cried a little bit and is such a trooper. He did party allllllll night last night. Mike and I were still up at 3 am laughing at him because he was dancing and playing. Guess he slept too much in his car seat while we drove to Dallas. Liv did great too. As long as she has the good set of headphones she is perfect. Take those away and look out. Cover your ears quick.
Mike is the master packer. :) He got it down after we stayed in 6 different hotels. :)
We are taking 3 days and 2 nights to get home... Easier on the babies and makes it more fun to explore on the way home. Can't wait to sleep in OUR own beds. :)
Sunday, July 26, 2015
Day 7
We had 3rd row seats at the Sights and Sounds of the Jonah play. It was over.the.TOP amazing! Liv did not feel that great. Stuffy nose, low grade fever and tired, but she watched the entire play. Right at the end she got fussy... Just like any 3 year old. Jake-Michael slept most of the play. We would not let him take his morning nap. Worked great. He did get a little scared when he woke up. But we gave him a little treat and he was just fine. The play was 2 1/2 hours long and so worth it.

After the play we drove towards Springfield to Lamberts. Yup, the famous flying rolls place. The food and the atmosphere was a real treat.
Day 6
On Day 6 we enjoyed the resort. Sat on the porch and watched the kids play. It was beautiful. I am so happy that Mike was able to rest his brain from work and just enjoy some free time.
Jake-Michael was very content just sitting outside watching his sisters play. Next year will be a different story. :)
In the afternoon heat we got tickets to the Behind the Scenes of Jonah. It was amazing.
Next year Moses will be playing. Can't wait to see it.
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